Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daddy + Mommy = Me

Khaleef's milestone at 4 months:

Apart from he can laugh, smile, cry, grab an object (such as one of the colorful spider's leg, small pillow, ur finger and his handkerchief)...
He can roll on his tummy.
When i'm about to sleep he'll roll around and look at me with a big grin on his face, as if to say "see mama i can roll!". Sgt cute! tp Yes..darling but u can't roll on to ur back. So, i have to roll him back to his sleeping position, but then..he'll roll on his tummy and give me a big grin on his face. Naughty ni..

He can lift up his head as well.

He loves his fingers sooo much. U'll find him staring at his fingers for a good 20 minutes!

He loves sucking his fists and chomping his fingers! sedap kot..


Twiggy said...


KbZb said...

Hehehe..Tq Tq *mode perasan chomel like me.