I noticed that bile da ade anak, question ni amat popular: "Anak dah pandai ape?"
Truthfully, I'm always..dumbfounded by this question.
Tatau nk ckp dia da pandai ape...in my head is "err..dia pandai nangis??"
So, this entry is going to be about Lil Zara's progress:
@ 1 month:
- Pandai nangis suara sedih2 pilu gitu.
- Suke tak tido mlm.
- Bole tido lena on her Mama's chest. Sib baik ringan Zara ni..kalau tak, tak bernafas haku.
- Kalau Lil Zara marah, kaki dia lurus2 tegak. She has a very strong legs.
- Marah & nangis kuat2 bile org bukak baju dia.
- Tak suke tido siang. Tido pun like 30 mins aje.
- Noticed moving object. She noticed a moving graphic in my phone to the amazement of my neighbour.
- 1st injection masa 1 month - Lil Zara cried without a sound masa Dr cucuk jarum. Olololo..cian dia. Her grandma bergenang2 mata tgk Lil Zara nangis sampai takde suara. While Lil Zara's own Mama? sengih2 tgk dramatic la anak haku ni.
- Lil Zara buat mogok kat rumah when her Mama's at work-tanak minum ebm for almost 3 weeks and tanak tido di siang hari. Huhu..ikut perangai sape ni pandai mogok lapar.
- Lil Zara tak bgn mlm da..tp takleh tido alone. Manja mengada si kecik. Sib baik comel.
- Suke nk bdiri, suke kene dukung, & nangis2 kalau org duduk masa pegang dia.
- Choosy on bottle teats. Teats terpilih ialah NUK.
- Tak suke Mr Inch Worm.
- Can lift her head for several second.
- Suke main air liur.
- Can rolled to her side.
- Pandai tgk 3G and borak2 with her Ti-Ya.
- 2nd injection: Da cool, nangis sekejap je.
- Lil Zara buat attempt nk bgn bile kite baringkan dia.
- Can lift her head without support.
- Sgt suke main air liur..meleleh2 sampai kene pakaikan bib.
- Loves to talk with Spider/Speder & Mr Inch Worm.
- Refused NUK teats, so da switch lik ke Avent.
- Suke nk bdiri. Mmg strong legs.
- Dulu suke nangis bile bukak baju, skang tidak lagi...Lil Zara nangis bile org pakaikan baju pulak.
- Can roll to her side sampai terlangkup..pastu nangis sbb tak pandai roll-over.
- Manja with Abah. Recognizes Abah's voice. Baguskan?
- Suke nk borak2. Grunts outloud when ppl didnt pay attention. Huhu..
- Pandai tgk tv. She can watch Jungle Book Cartoon quietly.
- Ticklish Lil Zara.
- She laughs when someone tickles her. Yes, i said laugh not giggle. [I'm amazed..i thot lil baby dunno how to laugh.]
Ok...that's a looong list of progress. I'm done with Lil Zara's progress:)
u'll get the ques always kb...
each time jmpe sape2...
but wit this detailed info ull get a rest for a while la...
cant wait to meet zara again...
Hahahaha..pastu kite baru borak2 pasal progress smlm ptg kan? Time tu aku nk tanya ko tak baca blog aku ke
? Tp tak jadik tanya. hahaha
Wei aku teringat zaman aku gila main game kat phone kau!
Aku tak cam lagi muka Zara ni ikut sapa.
ibu miss you, lil Zara!
mulut zara sebijik mulut kb! haha. and ur face expression as well. Ahhhh, like mother like dotter!
Seriously, I cant for the photo shoot. Jom wat kat dlm white studio!
**I cant wait..**
giller excited taip sgt tertinggal perkataan.
Azreen: game ape ko main kat phone aku ek? thehe. Aku da jd pelupe. Hahaha. Tu la muke sape budak kecik ni?
Yatt: Aku dah lama hoping nk amik gambar reramai kat dlm studio. Aku second the suggestion.
aku tau! game penguin ker apa ntah tu. ingat x?
Game penguin? hahahahaha. ok. comel. tp still aku tak ingat...
aaargghh!! bulatnyeee!!! geram!! geram!!!
Twiggy: hehehe..bulat mcm ulat beluncas. hahahaha.
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